Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Paint It Purty

I painted a wall in my room blue. Alice Blue.

Like the sky.

If it were actually blue.

The only problem is that I did it late at night with low level lighting. So the question for today is if it is worth touching up or best to let it be. If I touch it up, I'm justified in the fact I left a wet tray of paint by the front door over night. If I don't, I'll have to put said paint tray soon and if I don't, I can put that off until tomorrow.


At 4:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you touch it up, you have another excuse to procrastinate. If you don't, you can sit there wondering if you should have done so- also procrastinating. It's a win-win situation!

At 12:48 AM, Blogger Kate Coyer said...

BTW, I still haven't put the paint tray away nor have I attended to my wall. As you suggest however, I have indeed stared at it quite a bit because as luck would have it, the spot in question is exactly eye level just next to my desk so all I have to do is turn my neck 65 degrees and lo!

At 8:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In a day or so the paint in the tray will likely harden, even in the tepid pea soup you londoners call an atmosphere. Then you can put off throwing it away.

You could hang something over the spot. Of course, you'd still know it was there.

At 9:09 PM, Blogger Kate Coyer said...

That is exactly what happened. You must have psychic powers of procrastination. The tray can be re-used with a plastic bag, but I had to toss the roller.

Tepid pea soup? That sounds like more like the atmospheric conditions created by youthful vomit found on the New Cross Road after Club Sandwich night at the college union.


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