Monday, March 07, 2005

Why the word blog is like nails on the chalkboard

I hate the word 'blog.' It annoys me less then 'podcasting' but more then the insertion of the letter 'i' before every mac-related consumer accessory. (Seriously, what's podcasting? Audio programmes available on demand for downloading exactly like those that existed before someone did Steve Jobs work for him and came up with that creepy corporate jingoistic name and claimed it was a phenomenon because now that their fifteen year old hipster kid does it it's a trend. I'm a Mac enthusiast and I hate the word.)

But back to blogs. The word makes me cringe less then the film 'Sideways' but more then the overusage of hybrid cross-polinated phrases and made up words plaguing academia like 'glocalisation.'

Am I just too didactic to accept new terminology? Or is it that anything that reeks of buzzword will inevitably be dead in a year's time and I'm pissed I just got started? No, I really think it's my aversion to the need to make visible interesting things people do by giving them names to make the marketing reps happy, even if the word blog has more organic roots then that (NB: I haven't a clue who first used the term). It's like when the Riot Grrl movement in the early 90's was just getting underway. Newsweek had it pegged as the trend of the year before Bikini Kill had a chance to release their second EP. It's all fun and games til the masses find out.

I don't actually mean that of course. It's not the shared awareness and interest I mind - that's a good thing surely. It's perhaps simply that I'm a linguistic purest with a real butt itch about branded labels.

In short, I hate the word 'blog' yet I have one. Does that make me a hypocrit or just an opportunist?

Oh, today I also wasted time baking banana bread.


At 5:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course you knew this was inevitable:


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